It helps in promoting good health on all fronts - physical, mental and spiritual. Physically, amethyst is known to bolster the immune system, reduce tension and headaches, and promote restful sleep. Mentally, its effects include alleviating worries and fears, encouraging clear thinking, and trusting one's intuition.
Cat’s eye gemstone, named after its prominent resemblance with the eyes of a cat, is renowned for its healing powers and the ability to enhance intellect and wisdom in a person. The intriguing gem has a distinct appearance and metaphysical powers that have fascinated us for time immemorial. It is the gemstone of Planet Ketu and is believed to eliminate…
Citrine is the transparent, pale yellow to brownish orange variety of quartz. Fashioned citrines can be large. This one weighs almost twenty carats. The lack of eye-visible inclusions is a sought-after citrine quality.
Emeralds are gem varieties found in the beryl mineral with a vibrant, distinctly green colour. They originate inside igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks around a small number of locations worldwide. As per the earliest references, emeralds were called "marakata," a Sanskrit term meaning "the green of growing things". Later, when these gems moved into high society, the official Latin word "smaragdus," was used. With…
A lovely gemstone with a rich hue of heavenly blue is lapis lazuli. It is a gemstone that is semi-precious and exhibits a vibrant colour display. This gemstone is made up of the elements such as gleaming pyrite, intensely blue lazurite, and others. It is thought that wearing Lapis Lazuli Jewelry will shield you against psychic assaults. The Gemstone Jewelry would enhance…
the wearer with all the human desires, and its effects bring all their heart desires to its wearer. Known as the 'Queen of Gems', it benefits the wearer in various ways. Its incredible pearly white lustre, with the auroral display and the vibrant 'play of colours across the surface, makes it one of the unique stones worldwide. The Opal crystal…
Wearing it instills confidence, offering protection against the evil eye and malevolent forces. Focusing on the Root and Solar Plexus chakras is believed to enhance overall well-being, prosperity, and inner strength. Beyond its astrological benefits, Tiger Eye is revered for its protective and grounding properties.
Turquoise Gemstone is a beautiful stone that delights people who are curious to gain spiritual wisdom. It’s a birthstone for December and is lucky for people having Sagittarius placements. It absorbs any evil eye that might be a roadblock in your growth.